C1 Prague – info (ENG)

Here you can find all informations about UCI C1 event in Prague, June 23rd. Competition is organized together with Czech national championship, both in youth and adults categories during Saturday and Sunday. NCH is opened for international riders so everybody is welcomed. Sections should be located at spot “Metronom” – favorite view point above Prague with splendid view to old town center. Czech national champs are OPEN for international riders: you can compete, you can win medal – only you cannot be Czech champion 🙂 Parking and other useful info? See our facebook profile!


(Missing your name? Register via e-mail!)

More informations bellow. Read more… 

General informations

name of event UCI Trials C1 and Czech national championship
date June 23rd – June 24th 2018 (Saturday – Sunday)
location Prague (CZE), “Metronom” Letenske sady – GPS N 50°5.69′, E 14°24.94′
categories UCI C1: elite 20″, elite 26″, women
Czech national championship -youth games: poussin, youth girls, benjamin, girls, minime, cadet
Czech national championship – adults: elite 20″, elite 26″, women, junior (joined 20″+26″), expert (red course)
free “open” competition (see schedule lower): promesa, open white cource, open blue, open green, open red
format 5 sections x 3 laps, final lap 4 sections
entry fee 20 EUR each day / competition (payment on-site)
registration on-line via e-mail (name / address / year of born / categorie) or on-site.

Email registration please send to info@ceskycyklotrial.cz

deadline June, 23rd (on-site) for C1, June 24th for NCH


Please note: times can be changed depending on number of riders.

Saturday, June 23rd

9:00 registration opened (on-site registration, confirmation, fee payment)
10:00 Czech Youth Games National Championship start
12:00 UCI Trials C1 – qualification elite 20″, elite 26″
14:00 UCI Trials C1 – ELITE WOMEN
16:30 UCI Trials C1 – finals ELITE 20″, ELITE 26″
19:00 award ceremony

Sunday, June 24th

8:30 registration opened
9:00 free competition start (promesa, white course, blue, green, red)
11:30 Czech National: women, junior, expert (red course)
13:00 Czech National: elite 20″, elite 26″ qualification
16:00 Czech National: finals elite 20″, elite 26″
17:00 award ceremony

More info

Map 1: where is the Prague – sorry, competition is not for dumb people, so we have no map like this 🙂

Map 2: where is “Letná” in Prague:

Map 3: where is competition area at Letná:

Map 4: where are sections (well, actually not yet, but where the section will be):

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